Tuesday, April 29, 2008

The Larson Kids

What a pleasure to photograph Katie, Bradley and Baby Nick. Our main theme was "Cowboys"... and we had so much fun with hay bales, wooden barrel and cowboy hats. We love how the pictures turned out. My favorite, personally, are the photographs of Baby Nick in the giant tea cup... and to be honest, I think he loved being in there too! Look at the sparkling eyes and cute smiles he gave us!! These are just a few from the Larson Collection. Check out our website to see them all!!

Monday, April 28, 2008

Finally, Another Blog!!

I thought I would post something sooner!! It has been a busy week. We took more than 3000 Action Shots last Saturday for the R.C. Durr YMCA Youth Football and Youth Soccer games. The weather was so beautiful... but Simon came back with a sunburn! We should have covered all the teams' Action Shots. Be sure to check on our website to view your team's gallery! At the mean time, the above pics are a couple of my son, Norman, in action!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

WHAT?! PMP Blogs too??

Yes! We blog too! Welcome to PMP's very first Blog!! If you haven't figure out what PMP stands for, it is Perfect Moments Photography for short. I just love calling ourselves PMP... PMP team, PMP website, PMP projects... and now PMP Blog!!!
With this Blog, I will randomly post photographs that we take and tell you the story behind them. Every photograph has a story and when these 2 are put together, they create fond memories of a lifetime. I will also post information and updates of PMP projects and promotions.
So stay tune. Come back often. Have fun. And Make Every Moment Counts!