Sunday, May 25, 2008

YMCA Spring Pictures Season Officially Over!!

I had buried myself, for the past couple weeks, with photos!!! We did the last few shots Saturday morning and I am officially announcing that we had completed our Spring Youth Soccer and Youth Flag Football Pictures. We had delivered most of your orders, either to Don or to your Coach... Pictures for the last 7 teams will be in by next week.

We want to thank you for your support and business. For the past couple weeks, we heard lots of compliments and encouragement from you guys. It was a great feeling to hear good feedback about our work. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!

The photos you are seeing around are few of my favorite pictures of the 4/5 Gold Team... It has a heart-warming story behind too...

Jonathan's Daddy came to watch his son play the game. He was leaving home again to serve the country the next day. The team made a beautiful banner and we took photos for them that will last memories of a lifetime.... We also took the opportunity to capture a few more shots of Johnny with Daddy and Little Bro. It was a meaningful moment....

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